Jenny Gregg
Director of Spiritual Formation
January 2014

What's the key to your spiritual growth? What one thing could you do to spur on continued personal transformation into the mind and heart of Jesus?

Consider the following options. Could it be:

  • Consistent worship attendance?
  • Increased financial giving?
  • Participation in mission projects?
  • More focused prayer times?

The answer is as simple as it is profound---consistent time reading and thinking about God’s Word. That’s right, simply reading the Bible and meditating on what you've just read.

But admittedly, this may be harder than it sounds. We often lack the discipline to read the Scriptures regularly. And when we do, what should we read--where do we start? Perhaps you’ve tried reading through the entire Bible only to get stuck (usually around Leviticus).

Here is a better way. We have found a reading program that will take us through the Bible’s 100 most significant passages. Called E100, it includes a booklet with questions for each day’s reading and questions for a weekly group study, if desired, as well as a simple foldout with the weekly Bible readings.

These resource materials will be available beginning in January for individuals. Beginning in February, a number of our Life Groups will track with these readings, in order to learn from God's word and grow together. Please take advantage of this great opportunity for your own personal growth.