Pastor Rich
Transitioning Pastor
April 2014

Last month SCFBC officially welcomed two new staff members on to our ministry team.  Both these positions are paid and replace the former Executive Administrative Assistant's position.

Jerry Cintas
has been a long-time church member and vitally involved with many of our church's ministries. He and his wife, Sharon, were the originators of our Bethlehem outreach 17 years ago.  Jerry has organized and led numerous mission trips from aiding victims of Hurricane Katrina to house building in Ojos Negros just outside of Ensenada, Mexico.  He has also organized local outreach efforts such as our Santa Clara Art and Wine Festival "Lego" booth.  Jerry has served as a Deacon of Property, volunteered as the general contractor for our church's two renovation projects and is currently overseeing the renovation of our children's restrooms on the Education Wing.

Jerry is now officially designated our part-time Property and IT Administrator.  He will continue to develop our church's database and maintain our current facilities while creating new plans for future improvements to our property.

img-31753.jpgTrudy Kroll has been a member of our church for over six years.  Previously she served as our substitute secretary, filling in as needed and often on very short notice.  After serving in an interim role the past four months, it was obvious she was ready to take on the role permanently.  She now assumes the full-time position as Administrative Assistant.  With her addition we are able to see our office open for business Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm.

I'm excited to see what God will do through these two dedicated individuals.