Pastor Rich
Transitioning Pastor
May 2014

"Try it; you'll like it."  Isn't that what we heard our mothers say to us when they placed some strange vegetable item on our plates?  It didn't look very appetizing to us at the time.  But our mothers knew something we didn't.  That vegetable was filled with the kind of nutrients that our bodies desperately needed if they were to grow and remain healthy.  Those vegetables, along with other healthy foods, were the fuel that our bodies ran on.

Instead, we often tended to look elsewhere for something to fill our stomachs...something fattening, something greasy, something sweet.  Little did we know that what tasted so good could very well be something that was slowly going to kill us.

God has told us what is good for us spiritually, relationally, emotionally.  The menu is all laid out in His Word.  "Do this and you will live," He once said to His people.  But here and now, as with the others before, we react the same way.  What God tells us to do, think, and feel doesn't "taste" right at first.  It seems to lack the appeal that the offerings of the world provide.  Unfortunately, these worldly offerings once again tend to appeal to our baser motivations and self-destructive behaviors.

That's why Paul instructed the church at Rome to be "transformed by the renewing of their minds."  Only a Spirit-inspired mind transformation will enable us to try out and discover how God's will is "good for us, acceptable to our tastes, and perfectly suited to meet our needs."

Try It, You'll Like It is the theme for this next message series.  From May 11 through June 8 we'll look at different aspects of God's will which at first may seem unappetizing, but later prove to be just what we need and will, over time, become something we strongly desire.  Come with a sense of expectancy and bring somebody with you!