Jerri Cooper
August 2014

COMING SOON - Instructions on how to use the new “smart phone app” to view the SCFBC Library materials. Jenny Gregg is available to instruct those interested in the use of this new app. Soon she will put the instructions into writing.

The SCFBC Library database can also be accessed through the library website.  To locate a specific book, click on the Church Library link (located under the Resources tab at the top of the home page) and then click on the Search Here! link. The name of the book or its author can be entered in the blue-rimmed box. Click on the blue search box to check if it is available in the SCFBC Library. There are constant additions; new books, DVDs and CDs are processed into the Library each week.

Leadership Summit Materials

After the Leadership Summit telecast on August 14th and 15th more Summit materials will be purchased and processed into the Library the following week. Many have enjoyed Summit materials purchased from prior years that are in the Library and Book Nook. The books are easily identified by the gold stars on their bindings. God wants us as His followers to organize our Christian lives and walk to let His light shine through us; the materials presented at the Summit help us learn how to more effectively take this walk into our personal and professional lives.

Join the Library Team Life Group

Consider joining the on-going Library Team Life Group that meets each Friday at 9:00am for a work session to keep the Library organized and up-to-date. Sign up for the Life Group on-line at come to the Library on Friday mornings. NOTICE: The Library Team will not be meeting on August 1st and 15th. 

Thank you for enjoying the SCFBC Library!