Sharon Cintas
Director of Worship
August 2014

We’re taking Jesus to the park! In the Great Commission, Jesus calls us to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” so on Sunday, August 24th we are going to go out from our faciltities and into the world. Worship in the Park is one of our largest outreach events of the year right in the middle of the Pavilion at Central Park in Santa Clara. People outside of the church need to hear about the love of God, His grace and compassion. They need to hear about how life can have purpose, meaning and hope and that this is all available to them in Jesus. In order to do this, we need to bring the Gospel to the people where they are.

What is my part?

Each of you will receive 3 invite cards and we ask you to pray and ask God who in your life needs to get one of these invitations. We encourage you to bring your friends, family and co-workers with you to the park and to be praying that their hearts will be open to receiving God's Word. We are not meeting on the church campus that Sunday as we will be worshiping God out in the open and proclaiming His Gospel to the world as we are commanded.


10:30am – Worship Service

12:30pm – BBQ Lunch (optional donation)

1:00pm – Hang out/Games for all ages