Jon Hammar
Children's Ministry Director
September 2014

A Visit from the Pirate King and Queen

We capped off our summer "Pirate Adventure" theme with a much-anticipated visit from the Pirate King and Queen. The Dread Pirate Ingle and Pirate Queen Red met our pirate recruits and tested them in the pirate talents of treasure hunting, sword fighting, and knot tying. At the end of the morning, the kids were sworn in as honorary pirates, pledging to watch out for their mates and always store their treasures in heaven. 


Forever Treasure

The next Sunday Pastor Jenny shared the salvation story, explaining to the children that God offers us Forever Treasure in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ. That offer of love and grace is there and it's up to us to accept it. As the invitation was made, 7 precious children prayed to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior! Hallelujah! As a group we celebrated with Cindy Shing, Grace Robbins, Isis Coral, Emilio and Leila Savellano, Isis Bovendorp, and Donya Vandersteen on the most important decision of their lives. 

Superheroes of the Bible

We are so excited about our upcoming Fall theme for Kids' Worship! This Fall, our theme is "Superheroes of the Bible."  We'll learn about the awesome people of faith in the Bible who used their super powers of courage, strength, trust and endurance to do God's work. Along the way, we'll have a blast coming up with our own superhero names, decorating our own capes and masks, and deciding what our superpowers are. This is a great series to invite your friends to be a part of!