Jerri Cooper
October 2014

Access to the SCFBC Library database is possible through the website. On the 'Resources' tab on the home page, click on 'Library' then on the next screen click on 'Search Here.'  You can then enter a book's title or an author's name into the blue rimmed box and click on the blue search block to see if the book you want is available in the SCFBC Library. We process new books, DVDs and CDs into the library each week.

Get the App!

LibraryWorld Search for Apple and Android lets you search the SCFBC Library from anywhere and anytime you have access to your smart mobile devices. The app is available from Apple's App Store and Android Market for free. After downloading the app, you simply enter our library name (SCFBC), and you’re good to go—no user name or password necessary! Use the following links to get started:

Global Leadership Summit 2014 Materials

This year's Summit materials are in circulation already and being enjoyed. There are also prior years' DVDs and books available both in the lobby and in the library for your enjoyment.

Movie Descriptions

Thanks to a kind suggestion, when the DVDs are processed into the system we are now adding a general note with the description of the movie. About 50 of the descriptions have already been added. Descriptions will be added as we input new DVDs in the future. This feature will help you determine what movie your family wants to view next!