Susi Reaves
Director of SPEEDway Children's Ministry
February 2015


I am totally amazed at seeing God at work in our midst at SPEEDway! In less than a month’s time, I have seen 6 new team leaders join me in recruiting, training and implementing teams to serve our kids on Sundays. We have increased our team members from 17 to 31! Some of those serve 1-2 Sundays a month and others serve behind the scenes. 


One of those behind-the-scenes teams is the Resource Team. Led by Margarite Lee, a group of amazing (and strong-backed) people have totally cleared out two rooms of resource materials and will have Room 4 reorganized as SPEEDway’s Resource Room by early February.


The past month the children have been learning “Who is Jesus?” at Kids Worship. Many people have different ideas about Jesus, but the Bible has lots to tell us about who Jesus really is. As we've looked at various clues in this series, the kids have learned that Jesus is Powerful, Jesus is Loving, Jesus is a Teacher, and Jesus is a Healer . There are still a few more lessons remaining in this series.


In January, there were no 9:00 classes for the children so we could have time to prepare adequately for a strong start to our year. But, effective February 1 st our classes are fully staffed and ready to go! The Nursery and Preschool classes will expand the worship time lesson with additional activities and stories to reiterate the lesson of the day.  Welcome to Julie Pozzi and Helena Evora as our preschool teachers. The K-1 class continues to be taught by the amazing team of Bill Wright and Pat Graham, and our 2nd-5th graders will be learning more about what following Jesus is all about as they explore some “Awesome Adventures” with new teachers Susan Goldsbury and Rita Thella.


Please remember to lift up SPEEDway Children’s Ministry, its kids and the various team leaders and members in your prayers. There is much at stake and the enemy of our souls does not want us to succeed in moving forward and helping children know more of Christ’s love. Your prayer support is vital to this ministry!