Susi Reaves
Interim Director of SPEEDway Children's Ministry
June 2015

“…tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, His power, and the wonders He has done.”  Psalm 78:4

SPEEDway Children’s Ministry does just that each Sunday morning and there are numerous opportunities for you to serve our kids at SCFBC.


This summer provides many unique ways to serve and easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Our Nursery attendance continues to grow and more loving arms are needed to meet that growth. Training and teaching tools for reaching our youngest SPEEDway members is available for all Nursery Team members. Service is on a rotation basis.
2. The Preschool class is also quickly growing and our worship hour staff needs to grow in numbers to continue ministering effectively with our 3-4 year olds. Again, training and curriculum are provided for teens and adults interested in serving on a rotation basis.
3. The Elementary kids will be working on a musical this summer. There are still openings for high schoolers and adults of all ages to teach the Bible lessons, lead the kids in activities that help them apply those lessons more fully, coach the actors, help the kids learn their music and create their props and sets leading up to the musical presentation on August 23rd. This is a summer-only service opportunity. 

Interested in serving in one or more of these ministries this summer? Contact me at or 408-241-7635.


The SPEEDway Children's Ministry the past few months has been made possible in large part because of the faithful service of nine Team Leaders. I have already highlighted six of those wonderful leaders in past Celebrate newsletters; now it is time to thank the other three.

Trudy Kroll has led the Registration Team since January. Her team consisting of Dorothy Depew, Michael Depew, Barbara McLenegan, Mindy Shing, Jennifer Trigg and Sofia Vega  makes certain that children and parents are warmly welcomed and checked in and out properly each Sunday and that newcomers are registered and find their classes.These important ‘front line’ people serve on a rotation basis ensuring the safety of our SPEEDway kids.
Mary Wong is the team leader for the all-important Nursery Ministry Team. Not only has Mary faithfully served in the Nursery along with her loving team consisting of Victoria Avelar, Hannah Lageschulte, Christine Robbins, Kimberly Stephens, Kathy Vasquez and Andrew Wong, she has been instrumental in the renovation plans for the Nursery and continues to prepare for the move to the upgraded location this summer. Mary schedules her team members to serve on a rotational basis. With more babies and toddlers filling our Nursery, there is always room for more caregivers; training is provided on a regular basis.
Raissa Mbassa has stepped in the past two months to oversee the Game Zone Team at Kids Worship for the elementary aged children. She has chosen games and prepared for the Game Zone so the Bible lesson of the day is reviewed as the kids “get their wiggles out.” Jason Hammar and Kevin Prather each have led the kids as Raissa's Game Zone team members.


July (it will be here before we know it!) is the month when recruiting SPEEDway team leaders and members begins for the new ministry year. Please pray now for the children’s ministry at SCFBC and consider how you might possibly be involved in 'telling the next generation of the praiseworthiness of the Lord.'

For more information, contact me at or 408-241-7635.