Jerri Cooper
April 2016

Library Corner

We are ALMOST there…

In Room 19-20, they spruced up the walls with spackle and paint, installed new carpeting, and changed the lighting. They moved the shelves, the Library Team boxed and unboxed books, Jerry ordered additional shelves - basically I’m telling you - right now it is an organized mess and please continue to “Excuse our Mess.”  There is a excellent selection of books and DVD’s in the Lobby Book Nook so please continue to enjoy the materials available. If you are looking for a specific book not in the Book Nook, we will be able to help you find it, if it is in our catalog of materials - please ask.

Thank you, Jerry Cintas, Ross Payne, Lloyd Darknell, Kevin Prather, Jun Lagmay, Susan Goldsbury, and Unice Chang and all the others I probably don’t even know about - for all the extra “elbow grease” you have provided to help transform Rooms 19 and 20 into what is becoming the NEW Library. Our aim is to have it open and usable at least by the Sunday Grill on May 15th. Room 19 will have the book stacks and Room 20 will be a relaxing reading room.

AND… I’m pleased to announce that the money donated months ago to buy the Old Testament NIV Application Commentary has been put to good use. The 20 book set is ordered and will be in the Library when it arrives. Hallelujah!

LibraryWorld Search for iPhone: I hope you are having success in using the on-line SCFBC Library look-up or by using the LibraryWorld Search for iPhone app. You can access the SCFBC Library database from the website. Click on the Library block, then on the next screen click on the “Search Here” block. If you know the name of the book or it’s author you can enter it into the blue rimmed box and click on the blue box to see if it is available in the SCFBC Library.