Dr. Wungreiso Valui
Senior Pastor
April 2016

Are you at the crossroads of many paths? There is one road that will lead you to the right destination. This is a road less taken. Many have taken this road and found fulfillment. Choose your path wisely. There is only one path that leads to eternal life. Consider taking Route 66. It will lead you to your final destination. The directions are written in the 66 Books of the Holy Bible.

The Spring Sermon Series will be “ROUTE 66: The Road To Destiny.” I invite you on a journey of a lifetime. I do not know about you, as for me and my family our ultimate desire is to go from earth to heaven. The purpose of this series is to study the 66 inspired books and ask the Holy Spirit guide us as we “Touch Heaven and Change The Earth.”

INVITATION: The road to destiny begins with an invitation- “Follow Me.” The invitation is extended to everyone. God wants us to be with His children eternally-“ That where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:3) . Are you travelling on Route 66? You are invited to heaven.

INTENTION: God’s intention to live with His children is very clear,"  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself” (NKJ John 14:3).  Jesus is the Way to heaven.

INSTRUCTION: The instructions on how to get to heaven is given in the 66 Books of the Bible. Follow the instructions and directions. Do not go to the right or to the left. Stay on the path to get to your final destination.

INSPIRATION: Taking Route 66 is an inspirational journey. The instructions and directions are God-inspired. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). Take the inspirational journey to find your way home.

IMITATION: There is only One who knows the way to heaven. Jesus is the only one who has taken the journey from heaven to earth and earth to heaven. Others have imitated His journey pattern. Paul reminded us “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Imitate Christ on your journey to heaven.