Kyle & Katrina Williams
Missionaries in Congo
May 2016

Dear Friends,

Last week was an exciting week for us! It started out with the barrage of testing that culminates our second term of language school and ended with something we were hoping to avoid while in France: a trip to the emergency room. Thankfully, the injury wasn't too serious and after some laughing gas and a couple stitches Abram, our youngest, is back to his usual self.

As for the multiple tests, we were evaluated for both oral and written comprehension, expression and structure. We're happy to share that we have completed level A2 of French and are moving on to level B1! 

During the middle of last week, International Ministries (IM) announced the calling of Sharon Koh to the position of Executive Director. We couldn't be happier to welcome Sharon to the IM family!  Sharon will be meeting with all of IM's missionaries who serve in Africa in early August. This means that we have a meeting in Congo before our planned arrival. We are thankful for the opportunity to be together and are working on the travel logistics for this meeting as well as our move in August.

We continue to dream about what can be accomplished at the University in Congo. We see God moving and are excited to begin this next chapter in a few months. We know that it is because of your financial sacfrifice and continued prayers that we are able to dream these dreams. Thank you for all your encouragement!

Your co-workers in Christ,

Kyle & Katrina Williams