Pastor Valui
November 2016

One of the greatest joys in pastoring SCFBC has been experiencing the wonderful assemblage of God's people from all over the world.

Let's celebrate our diversity by bringing a dish from our native countries to our Annual Meeting scheduled for Sunday, November 20th, immediately following our morning worship service. We need salads, main dishes, side dishes, fruit and dessert dishes.

You can sign up by emailing the church office at, by using a Connection Card, or at the Information Table in the Sanctuary Lobby on Sunday mornings. Please bring enough food to serve 10-12 people. Our Manna food team will provide drinks and tableware.

In addition to eating scrumptious food we will officially approve our 2017 General Fund Budget, our 2017 Missions Budget, and the three new members on our governing board. You will find information about these items of church business at the Information Table in the Sanctuary Lobby beginning November 6th.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the potluck!