Steve McLenegan & Maxine Darknell
June 2017

Several Sundays ago, Pastor Valui asked Maxine and me to come forward during the service to be recognized and commissioned (authorized) to provide leadership for the Pastoral Care Ministry.

What is the Pastoral Care Ministry? This is specifically a Lay Pastoral Care Ministry. We serve on the pastor's behalf to assist parishioners by making home and hospital visits, serving communion to shut-ins, praying with individuals during times of illness, grief or other stress, serving as funeral hosts, coordinating meals for families going through a stressful period, and driving people to and from church or appointments, as needed.

Aren't these activities already being handled? Absolutely, by a group of very caring, compassionate members of SCFBC. The intent of this new ministry is to provide leadership that will keep this important ministry at SCFBC viable as the church grows. This lay ministry will also allow the pastor to focus on other aspects of his responsibilities, while still meeting the congregation's needs.

What if I still want a visit from the pastor to talk to him? No problem. Just let the office, Steve or Maxine know. If you have questions about this ministry, are struggling in some way, or would like to help, please let us know.

Pastoral Care Ministry
Steve McLenegan and Maxine Darknell