Wungreiso Valui
January 2018

I have been thinking about the big future of our church, while we continue to persevere in doing the small things. Directing all the small things in the right direction will challenge the status quo. Let me share with you three things we can do to cause a shift.

How Can We Cause The Right Shift?

  1. Relearn And Resurge

Reconversion of the church is crucial to challenge the status quo.

The right passion is to reclaim our first love. Our first love is the first passion and the first ministry, which is to seek and connect those who are outside the faith. Unless we do this right, we will not see a shift.

The continuing conversion of the church is the continuous seeking after God's kingdom and His righteousness. We do not know the mind of God, but the Holy Spirit knows the will and mind of God. The Holy Spirit also aids and prays for us according to the will of God. For this reason, in the month of January 2018, we are devoting 31 days of prayer for a spiritual paradigm shift. 

Please read the "31 Days of Prayer" article.

  1. Unlock Potentials

Our church staff recently spent an afternoon for team-building. We played a spy game called "Unlock." Our goal was to work together as a team in order to get out of the spy room.  We had to crack several codes and find hidden clues. The game reminded me that there are hidden gifts and talents in everyone. Some persons are endowed with many gifts and talents. Discovering your gift and talent is the key to finding the calling in your life.

To challenge the status quo we need to unlock the potentials of all our members. Life Groups and "SHAPE SUMMIT" (), among other activities at the church, are designed for this purpose. The Life Groups and are not limited to finding your spiritual gifts. They are also to continually shape your heart after God's own heart. The focus of  could be on leadership, spiritual fitness, emotional and physical wellness, and many other topics that are relevant to our church.

  1. Align Skills And Expertise

Unlocking the potential of all members of SCFBC, and aligning their gifts and talents to their passion will cause a shift. The spiritual paradigm shift will cause change. The shift at both a micro or macro level will challenge the status quo.

Complacency, apathy, and an unwillingness to unlearn and then relearn prevent the continuing conversion of the church. Shall we prepare for the future shift?