




Spiritual CrossFit

Yessica McLenegan
Board Member
May 2019

Spiritual CrossFit

We are happy to report that this year’s Spiritual CrossFit was a success, and we enjoyed a time of conversation, teaching, and learning how to impact the communities around us. Our guest speaker Nancy Ortberg, author and CEO of TBC (Transforming the Bay with Christ), started off the day by speaking about the care of our souls. 

She also lead group exercises that helped participants discover the differences in how they communicate, solve problems, and meet with God. We learned that our differences are not bad or good, but instead, just different; and that we can use these differences to come together as a church family. 

Our day activities lead us to know and focus on the goodness of God and stretched us to think of our daily spiritual disciplines. We were challenged to focus on a different spiritual discipline every six months, and to keep our study and quite times vibrant and exciting. The afternoon workshops, lead by our church leaders, provided us with practical tools and steps to share our faith with our family, friends, community, and others of different faith. 

Overall, our 2019 Spiritual CrossFit was a blessing and provided us a learning opportunity to tone, stretch, and challenge the spiritual muscles that will help us to share the Good News with those around us.

Thoughts about CrossFit 2019

The church family gathered together for a morning of learning how to strengthen the care of our souls and, then, in the afternoon, learning how to communicate our faith with family/friends, the community, the workplace, and people of different faiths. People were stretched and blessed.

Our "Holy Grounds" ministry provided coffee and tea, along with breakfast snacks as the day began.

Nancy Ortberg, author and CEO of TBC (Transforming the Bay with Christ) spoke about caring for our souls.

Group exercises helped participants discover their differences, based on how they communicate, solve problems, and meet with God. Differences are not good or bad, just different. 
 All activity that leads us to know God is good. 
Changing the way we do spiritual disciplines is good. Each six months, focus on a different spiritual discipline or two. Keep your study and quiet times vibrant and exciting.
Avoid legalism. Be flexible.

Almost everyone who stayed for lunch reported meeting someone new or getting to know someone better. Conversations around the lunch tables were energetic.

In the afternoon, participants attended two of the four workshops:

"Exercising My Faith with Family and Friends" with Pastor Valui

"Exercising My Faith in the Workplace" with Sharon Cintas

"Exercising My Faith in the Community" with Pastor Jonathan Fung

"Exercising My Faith with People of Different Faith" with Margareth Valui

The overriding takeaway of this year's Spiritual CrossFit was that we must exercise our faith with love.

The follow-up survey results showed that people were blessed by the time they spent together. Their concepts of Community were stretched. Awareness was brought to the fact that being different is just that: just being different. We are all “different” from one other, but we can still love people who are different from us into the kingdom of God, just as God loves us.