




From Manger To Majesty
Jesus' Story 1
No Room In The Inn
Sunday December 24, 2023 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui
Luke 2:1-20

The Message:

Jesus entered this world, finding no room in the inn, with the purpose of creating room for everyone in his mansion.


Jesus' life is the ultimate miracle, bridging the gap between divinity and humanity and offering salvation to all who believe.

  • 1. Jesus laid aside His glory and took the form of a humble servant
  • 2. Jesus became poor so the poor could see him
  • 3. Jesus became homeless to take us home
  • 4. There is no room for you in this world
  • 5. There is room for all in Jesus, and It is free
Luke 2:1-7 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

No Room For Them In The Inn: Jesus Laid Aside His Glory and Took The Form of a Humble Servant

Key Point:

The birth of Jesus, as depicted in Luke 2:1-7, highlights the profound humility of Christ as He laid aside His glory to be born in a lowly manger. This act establishes a connection between divinity and poverty, emphasizing the centrality of humility and simplicity in the Christmas story.


The narrative encourages believers to recognize and embrace the theme of poverty in the Christmas story, not only as an external condition but also as a state of the heart. It prompts individuals to extend compassion, empathy, and love to those who may be physically or emotionally impoverished, emphasizing that the true spirit of the season lies in acknowledging and uplifting the poor wherever they may be found.


As we celebrate Christmas, it invites us to embody the humility and compassion of Christ by reaching out to those in need, materially and emotionally. Christmas becomes a call to action, urging believers to extend kindness and generosity to the poor, mirroring the selfless love demonstrated by Jesus in His humble birth.

No Room For Them In The Inn: Jesus Became Poor So The Poor Could See Him

Key Point:

Jesus willingly embraced poverty so that the poor could see Him. This challenges the societal norm of celebrating wealth and success, emphasizing the importance of choosing simplicity and identifying with the marginalized.


  1. Confront and empathize with poverty, whether on a global scale, within one's community, or personal struggles. It encourages believers to embody the spirit of the Church by openly acknowledging brokenness, extending forgiveness, facilitating healing, and coming together in unity.
  2. The call is to actively engage with the marginalized, focusing on the homeless, starving, parentless, and emotionally distressed, and recognizing the presence of Jesus in those experiences.


Shift the focus from internal concerns to the needs of others, particularly the marginalized. The profound takeaway is the recognition that in choosing to identify with the poor, we align with the intended purpose of the Church and experience a deeper connection with the sacrificial love of Jesus.

Recognize Jesus, Who Embraced Homelessness for Us

You might be physically present in your home but feel utterly homeless.

Key Point:

Recognizing Jesus, who embraced homelessness for us, involves acknowledging our internal contradictions and struggles. These contradictions, such as feeling at home yet homeless, busy yet bored, popular yet lonely, can serve as a gateway to a deeper longing and connection with God.


  1. Confront and embrace the contradictions in our lives, understanding that they can be a source of spiritual friction propelling us toward God.
  2. Navigate feelings of homelessness, boredom, loneliness, and doubt by seeking a deeper connection with the divine. The example of Jesus embracing homelessness becomes a model for acknowledging our internal struggles and finding solace in God's fulfillment.


  1. A transformative shift in perspective when facing internal contradictions. Instead of being frustrated or discouraged by these struggles, they are viewed as opportunities to connect with a deeper longing for God's presence.
  2. This perspective shift leads to a more profound understanding of the intended purpose of our spiritual journey and a recognition of God's ability to fulfill the heart's deepest desires.

Throughout this series, we reflected on unveiling the miracle of Christmas

  • 1. How do we respond to God's miraculous interventions?
  • 2. Are we willing to let go of doubt and embrace faith?
  • 3. Can we find hope amid uncertainty?
  • 4. Do our hearts resonate with the joy of Mary's song?
  • 5. And do we recognize Jesus' journey from manger to majesty as the central miracle that transforms our lives?

There Is No Room For You In This World

Key Point:

The key point is that followers of Jesus do not belong to the worldly confines, as emphasized by the transient nature of worldly values and priorities. This underscores the countercultural nature of following Christ, often leading to standing out and feeling out of place in a world of different values.


  1. As followers of Christ, it is a call to reassess values and priorities, choosing eternal values over temporary worldly attachments.
  2. Countercultural Presence: Following Jesus may mean standing out and feeling out of place in a world of different values.
  3. Otherworldly Identity: Identifying ourselves as not of this world prompts reassessing our values and priorities.
  4. Christmas Reflection: The Christmas season serves as an annual reminder to pause, reflect, and recognize our spiritual journey amidst the worldly noise


  1. As followers of Jesus, our identity is not rooted in the transient values of the world. This awareness prompts a regular reassessment of our values and priorities, choosing to stand out in a culture driven by different principles.
  2. Ultimately, the takeaway is the importance of prioritizing spiritual growth and connection with God over conforming to the fleeting priorities of the world.

There Is Room For All In Jesus, and It Is free.

Key Point:

Despite the apparent rejection and cruelty the world symbolizes, Jesus embodies a message of hospitality, kindness, and love. In the contrast between the manger and the cross, there is a profound lesson on the inclusive nature of Jesus, who offers abundant space freely to all who seek solace, redemption, and refuge.


  1. Seek refuge and solace in Jesus, recognizing that in Him, there is a spiritual sanctuary that is open to all without cost.
  2. Counteracting Cruelty: In a world marked by the cruelty symbolized by the cross, Jesus stands as an example of kindness that transcends harsh realities.
  3. Spiritual Sanctuary: In Jesus, there is a sanctuary, a place of belonging, and it comes without cost, emphasizing the unconditional and free nature of this refuge.


  1. Despite the world's rejection and cruelty, there is abundant space in Jesus, and it comes freely.
  2. The takeaway encourages believers to embody this hospitality in their lives and find comfort in the boundless space offered by Jesus.

Jesus Made The Manger Holy.

Jesus made the manger holy through His presence, transforming an ordinary space into a place of holiness. This transformation illustrates the power of Jesus to sanctify and elevate the mundane, emphasizing that His presence can bring redemption and purpose to aspects of life that may seem ordinary or fallen.

  1. Holiness in Presence: The manger exemplifies that the presence of Jesus sanctifies and makes ordinary places holy.
  2. Transformation of Nature: Just as Jesus' presence elevates animals in the manger, our fallen nature finds redemption and transformation through a connection with Jesus.
  3. Guardianship of the Heart: Without Jesus, our inner beasts may dominate our actions. Embracing Jesus guards our hearts against committing deeds akin to base instincts.
  4. Intentional Presence: Invite Jesus intentionally into different aspects of your life, be it the dining table, workplace, or school.


  • 1. Make room for Jesus at your dining table: Create a sacred space at your dining table by inviting Jesus into your meals. Let gratitude and mindfulness transform your meals into moments of reflection and connection with the divine.
  • 2. Make room for Jesus in your workplace: Infuse your workplace with the presence of Jesus. Let integrity, compassion, and kindness guide your interactions with colleagues. Approach challenges with a spirit of love and cooperation.
  • 3. Make your for Jesus at school: Make room for Jesus in your educational journey. Approach your studies with purpose and a commitment to ethical conduct. Be a source of inspiration and support for your peers.
  • 4. Transformative Influence: Allowing Jesus into these spaces can transform routine activities into meaningful moments infused with spiritual significance.
  • 5. Guiding Principles: Let Jesus guide your actions and decisions, fostering an environment of love, compassion, and purpose in various areas of your life.