




Following Jesus 1
The Cost And Reward Of Following Jesus
Sunday April 14, 2024 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui
Mark 8:34-35

Text: Mark 8:34-35 - "Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.'"


  1. Setting the context: Jesus calls the crowd and his disciples to hear a crucial message about the cost and reward of discipleship.
  2. Do we have the courage and faith to answer Jesus' call to discipleship?

The Message

Those who relinquish their earthly desires for Jesus and the gospel will find an abundant life.

I. The Message of Sacrificial Discipleship

  • A. The call to deny oneself and take up the cross
  • B. The paradox of losing one's life to save it
  • C. Embracing the abundant life found in relinquishing earthly desires for Jesus and the gospel

II. The Crucial Connection Between Disciple's Growth and Disciple-Makers

  • A. Understanding the role of discipleship in the growth and strength of the Christian community
  • B. Defining disciple and disciple-maker
  • C Many disciples answered the call and became disciple-makers (e.g., Peter, Matthew, Paul)

III. Nurturing Spiritual Depth for Growth and Multiplication

  • A. The importance of spiritual depth
  • B. Trusting God to attend to the breadth and height of our journey
  • C. Stories of transformation and growth through spiritual practices (e.g., St. Augustine, Ken Shigematsu, Leighton Ford)

IV. The Cost of Following Jesus: Leaving Behind Earthly Desires

  • A. Reflect on personal sacrifices made in response to Jesus' call
  • B. Many individuals abandoned earthly dreams for the sake of following Jesus (e.g., Simon, Andrew, James, John, personal testimony)
  • C. Finding fulfillment and purpose in glorifying God above worldly pursuits

Those who relinquish their earthly desires for Jesus and the gospel will find an abundant life.


  • 1. What is one specific earthly desire or comfort that you struggle to relinquish for the sake of following Jesus?
  • 2. How can you actively surrender that desire to Jesus and embrace the abundant life He offers?"


  • 1. Examine your own lives and identify areas where you may be holding onto earthly desires instead of fully surrendering to Jesus.
  • 2. Prayerfully consider what steps you can take to deny yourself, take up the cross, and follow Jesus more closely in your daily lives.