Margareth L. Valui
Family Life Minister
January 2016

We had different kinds of families from the East, West, and Midwest coming together to read, pray, and light the advent candles during the Christmas season. "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills. Unity and Diversity in One Body" (1 Corinthians 12:11). Unity in Diversity is the beauty of the Universal Church. In Santa Clara First Baptist Church we have families from all nations, races, and ages worship and serve God together. I saw how a living God works powerfully within the body of Christ even in a span of two months. I can only humbly hope for greater things to come within us and in this city!

We had parents reading to their children like they would at bedtime. We also had young readers excitedly reading to the parents and the congregation. I hope this is a regular scene in the homes. The children, our future generation, is at church only for 2+ hours, but the parents and the immediate family are responsible for them 24/7. Therefore, the bedrooms, dining table, and car-rides are mission fields for the family. 

It is wonderful to have four generations of a family worship together! When we perform our roles as parents and grandparents in passing down our faith, we will see different generations worshiping and serving together. Won't that be a glorious scene! I'd say that is a piece of heaven right here on earth!