Jerri Cooper
January 2016

Happy New Year from the Library Team!

Have you been thinking of starting an exercise program? Of starting to read more? Of starting to eat better to take care of our temple? Of starting to really do daily devotions, prayer or fasting? Of starting a family movie night? Yes, well, it is the end of the year and these are thoughts many have every year… sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t get started. One year I actually met my goal of reading 100 books in a year - even I was amazed how well the goal helped me to achieve such a feat! The Library Team thought this year we would help you with these stellar ideas and put books in the lobby to help encourage you.

Feel free to borrow the materials for what ever period of time you need it, there aren’t any late fees, after a couple of months, we just might ask you if you still have it out, but we don’t bug you about it. If you have a book that doesn’t seem to be working for you, bring it back and try another one or two. The materials in the library are here to be used as tools for all of us to learn more along our journey. Please let us know if we can help you and of course, please sign up for the free Library app so you can check the SCFBC library resources from anywhere.

PLEASE excuse our mess! You may have noticed there are piles and boxes of books in the library. We are in the process of reorganizing and replacing outdated books.

FREE Book giveaway! During January we have a FREE table in the Lobby for you to take books you can use or give away to family and friends. Feel free to take as many as you want. I like to take Christian books to coffee shops “take a book, leave a book” book shelves - you can too.

LibraryWorld Search for iPhone: I hope you are having success in using the on-line SCFBC Library look-up or by using the LibraryWorld Search for iPhone app. You can access the SCFBC Library database from the website. Click on the Library block, then on the next screen click on the “Search Here” block. If you know the name of the book or it’s author you can enter it into the blue rimmed box and click on the blue box to see if it is available in the SCFBC Library. We process new books, DVD’s and CD’s into the library each week.

Thank you for enjoying the Library! You are welcome to come to the library anytime the office is open between 9:30am to 5:30pm or join us at 10am on Wednesday morning when the library team is working.