Jim Garvey
Chairman, Finance Committee
February 2019

Annual Report, Finance Committee

We had a good year in 2018. Although we fell short of our budgeted giving goals, we also spent less than budgeted and ended up in the black by $44,430. On an even more positive note, giving was up 5.77% over the previous calendar year. I thank the Lord for the generosity of the congregation and the fiscal restraint of the Pastor and staff. Below is a condensed summary of Income and Expenses for the year. A detailed report is available in the office or from Finance.

General Fund Income 2018 (Compared to budget)
Giving $461,940 96%
Other income $80,058 101%
Total Income $541,998 97%
General Fund Expenses
Payroll expenses $303,787 95%
FICA $22,691 93%
Staff expenses $52,481 85%
Transition/consulting $490 49%
Connections $2,498 72%
Outreach $7,683 76%
Worship $9,485 96%
Property $32,106 53%
Discipleship $3,891 46%
Finance $21,629 91%
Office $2,791 83%
Operations $38,056 120%
Total General Fund Expenses $497,588 89%
Net General Fund Income $44,410

In 2018, Mission Giving was separate from General Fund Giving. Designated giving is still separate from General Fund giving; but, what used to be Undesignated Mission Giving is now being pulled from General Fund giving – 7% of General Fund giving. We’ll see how this works and adjust it as necessary in the future.

Since we are a non-profit, the Net General Fund Income will be reintroduced to Property’s budget for 2019, to mainly be spent on roof repairs. We had to take from that area to propose a balanced budget and this restores it.

The 2018 Mission Giving is summarized below.

Missions We Support 2018 % of Goal
Rainbow Acres $2,503 89%
Discretionary Outreach Funds $2,973 88%
Redwood Glen Camp $7,479 222%
CityTeam Women's Ministry (San Jose) $3,769 96%
Korean Church, Pastor Paul & Susi $3,965 88%
NAGA (Hope) $12,154 241%
New Church Plant Fund $4,956 88%
National Ministries $3,469 88%
Regional Ministry $3,469 88%
ABSW Operating Budget $2,478 88%
International Ministries $2,478 88%
Lauran Bethel (Human Trafficking) $3,297 94%
Mylinda Baits (Human Trafficking) $3,297 94%
Kyle & Katrina Williams (Congo) $3,097 88%
Melanie Baggao (Lebanon) $3,472 99%
Special Offerings
America For Christ $1,435 65%
One Great Hour of Sharing $2,840 95%
World Mission Offering $1,900 56%
Retired Ministers & Missionaries $90 9%
Total Mission Giving $69,122 105%

This doesn’t include items donated for HOPE Silicon Valley, Trunk or Treat, SF Homeless Outreach, Seafarer’s ditty bags, or the many other efforts supported by all of us. We are definitely a giving church.

Jim Garvey

Chairman, Finance Committee