




Prosperity in Poverty
Sunday October 16th, 2016 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui

"For they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood (Mark 12:44)

3 Things We Learned About Jesus From The Story of The Widow With Two Mites

  • 1. Descension To Poverty, Ascension To Prosperity
    The Descension of Christ into Poverty Is For Our Ascension to Prosperity
  • 2. Temporal Inhabitation, Eternal Inheritance
    The Temporal Inhabitation of Christ On Earth is For Our Eternal Inheritance
  • 3. Self-Serving Generosity And Sacrificial Giving
    The self-serving generosity is conditional, sacrificial giving is unconditional love

3 Things Jesus Did With The Story of The Widow With Two Mites

  • 1. Jesus shifting the perception on poverty and prosperity
    Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites… this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury (Mk12:42-43).
    The eye of the world is on the high and mighty, God’s eye is on the humble and lowly in heart.

    Two Mites, Two Perspectives

    • a. Jesus opened the eyes of His disciples that the rich were posing as giving widow’s mites when they were giving from their excess.
    • b. Jesus opened the eyes of His disciples to see the widow who gave nothing less to God.
    The loud self-serving jingles maybe heard on earth but the low sacrificial jingles are heard in heaven.

    God sees what we overlook

    Q. Are we overlooking others because they do not make big splash and have no flash?

  • 2. Jesus calls out self-serving generosity and self-sufficiency
    Many who were rich put in much… For they all put in out of their abundance (Mk 12:41 & 44) Material riches and material poverty is not an indicator of spiritual riches

    Two Mites, Two Motives

    • a. Jesus taught His disciples it is the proportion of giving and not the amount (how large the sum)
    • b. Jesus taught His disciples it is the level of sacrifice not the level of giving

    God does not miss what we dismiss

    If you feel your life is like a left-over, maybe you are serving a left-over God

    Q. Are you serving God your leftovers?

  • 3. Jesus commended the widow’s sacrificial giving and livelihood
She out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood (Mk 12:44)
The intent of our sacrifice is the extent of our faith in God

Two Mites, Two Messages

  • 1. Jesus gave His disciples a lesson on faith
  • 2. Jesus taught His disciples not to focus on how much people give rather on how they give

God does not neglect the negligible

The large amount draws the attention of the world but negligible amount caught the eyes of God.

Q. Are you offering gifts to God in faith?