




Reset 2021
Reset Your Mind
Sunday January 24th, 2021 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui
Prov 15:14


Reset your mind to the mindset of Christ Jesus. You can reset your mind to Christ's mind-set, Because you have the mind of Christ.


"The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge." - Prov 15:14 NASB
"For 'who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?' But we have the mind of Christ." - 1 Corithians 2:16


Have the mindset of Christ Jesus.


Unlocking Locked Behavior

Neuropsychiatrists working with the UCLA School of Medicine developed a non-drug behavior therapy for patients suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

The method centers on a-

  1. Mindful thinking approach
  2. Four basic steps to reset the brain and change behavior


For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
  1. The mind of Christ helps us to separate the desire of the flesh and the Spirit.
  2. Identify your mindsets. Be humble to admit you need help and learn from mistakes.
  3. The first step is to relabel a given thought, feeling, or behavior as something else.
  4. Naming an unwanted thought as false. It could be relabeled "false message" or "brain glitch."
  5. Training yourself to clearly recognize and identify what is real and what isn't.
  6. Refusing to be tricked by your own thoughts. You step back and say, "This is just my brain playing games on me."


Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2)
  1. The mind of Christ takes captive the carnal mind.
  2. Move from a fixed mindset: "I am stuck. I can't learn. I am hopeless." The second step answers the question, "Why do these thoughts keep coming back?"
  3. The answer is that the brain is misfiring, stuck in gear, creating mental noise, and sending false messages.
  4. If you understand why you're getting those old thoughts, eventually you'll be able to say, "Oh, that's just a brain glitch."
  5. Carnal mind is enmity against God. (Romans 8:7)


Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)
  • The mind of Christ is a renewed mind. Tested, good, acceptable before God
  • Challenge your "autopilot" growth mindset; move from documenting your talents and abilities to developing them. That raises the natural next question: What can you do about it?

    The third step is where the toughest work is, because it's where behavior actually changes.

    1. You have to do another behavior instead of the old one.
    2. Replace the old behavior with new things that you can do consistently every time.
    3. Change in brain chemistry occurs when you create new patterns, new mindsets.
    4. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes.

    4. REVALUE

    Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:5)
    1. The mind of Christ submits to God and resists the temptations from the devil. "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." - James 4:7
    2. Move to growth mindset: Develop your mind through hard work and dedication. The fourth step is the natural outcome of the first three.
    3. Replace the old behavior with the new.
    4. Recognize old patterns as simple distractions.
    5. Devalue old behavior as being completely worthless.
    6. Consistent mindset of Christ will cause old thoughts to fade in intensity, the brain works better, and you no longer feel the tug of the unhealthy habit.

    Have the mindset of Christ Jesus

    1. Be humble and learn.
    2. Develop your skills and talents.
    3. Be consistent.

    Renewed Mind Is NOT replacing

    1. To-Do lists of the flesh
    2. To-Do lists of the law,
      But by
    3. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit.