




The Pentecost- 120 Disciples Rejuvenated
"And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit."
Sunday May 28, 2023 - Pastor Wungreiso Valui
Acts 1 & 2

The Message:

The message focuses on the profound significance of the Holy Spirit's arrival and the power of the Holy Spirit in equipping and empowering about 120 disciples for their mission of spreading the Gospel.

The essential role and significance of the Holy Spirit's empowerment, enabling the disciples to communicate the wonderful works of God in diverse languages, underscores the inseparable link between the Holy Spirit's role and God's purpose for our lives.

The 120 Disciples: Faithful and Committed Disciples Changing the World:

  1. The followers of Jesus declared the wonderful works of God in different languages, and the people were amazed.
  2. In Peter's first sermon, about 3000 people decided to follow Jesus.
  3. When the disciples prayed, the place was shaken.
  4. Six people chosen to wait at the table helped to spread the gospel greatly.
  5. The disciples did many signs and wonders, and people were healed of their illnesses.
  6. The followers of Jesus were known as people who turned the world upside down.

What Happened?

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit (v.4)

What Is The One Thing About Receiving The Power of The Holy Spirit?

You shall be witnesses to Me (v.8)

Why Do We Need Power To Be Witnesses of Jesus?
Overcoming fear and opposition: The power of the Holy Spirit enables believers to overcome fear, doubt, and opposition they may encounter, empowering them to speak boldly and confidently about Jesus.

120 Disciples Empowered by the Holy Spirit:

These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty) -Acts 1:14b-15a
  1. About 120 disciples waited on the Holy Spirit. (Wait for the Promise of the Father -Acts 1:4)
  2. About 120 received the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. (You shall receive power -Acts 1:8)

I. Waiting In Unity and Prayer: These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.

A. Acts 1:12-14 - Gathering in the Upper Room

  1. The disciples were united and devoted to prayer in the upper room. (One Accord -v.14)
  2. The disciples were waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Their unity and devotion to prayer marked the gathering.

Note: Maintaining the Community: Peter's leadership in selecting Matthias as Judas' replacement highlights the importance of maintaining the community of believers.

B. Acts 2:1-4 - The Fulfillment of Pentecost: When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

  1. The disciples gathered together in one accord in one place, waiting and ready for the fulfillment of the Day of Pentecost.

Note: Seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in your own life for boldness and effective proclamation of the Gospel.

II. Empowered to Speak in Different Tongues: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

A. Acts 2:5-11 - Multicultural Audience and Astonishment

  1. There was a diverse crowd present in Jerusalem during Pentecost.
  2. The diverse crowd was amazed and confused hearing the disciples speak in their languages.

III. Diversity and Belonging: There were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven.

A. Acts 2:5-12 - Multicultural Audience

  1. The Crowd's Response: A Diverse and Astonishing Witness
  2. The Gospel is for all nations.

Note: The coming of the Holy Spirit is intricately connected to the Great Commission.

The Great Commission: The coming of the Holy Spirit is intricately connected to the Great Commission. In the Gospel, Jesus, before ascending into heaven, instructs His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Then, in the book of Acts, we see the fulfillment of this commission through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit.

IV. Sharing the Wonderful Works of God: We hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.

A. Acts 2:12-13 - The Crowd's Amazement and Perplexity

  1. The crowd was amazed and confused at hearing the disciples speak.
  2. The crowd desired to comprehend the meaning behind these events.

V. Diverse Discipleship: So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, "Whatever could this mean? Others mocking said, "They are full of new wine."

A. Acts 2:12 - Questioning and Seeking Meaning

  1. The crowd responded to the disciples speaking in different tongues.
  2. The crowd was curious and desired to understand the significance of this phenomenon.

B. Acts 2:13 - Mocking and Misinterpretation

  1. Some in the crowd were perplexed and amazed by this phenomenon.
  2. Others mocked and accused the disciples of being drunk.

Note: Pentecost is closely related to discipleship.

Multicultural Discipleship: The diverse crowd present at Pentecost represents people from various nations and languages. When the disciples spoke in different tongues, each person heard the message in their language. This demonstrates the inclusivity of discipleship and the universality of the Gospel. Pentecost highlights the importance of reaching people from diverse backgrounds and cultures with the message of salvation.

120 Model of Discipleship

  1. Be faithful, committed, and united in prayer.
  2. Embrace diversity and proclaim the Gospel boldly, regardless of societal perceptions or challenges.

Daily Challenge: Live Like The Holy Spirit.

  1. One of the biggest takeaways from the passages in Acts 1:12-14 and Acts 2:1-12 is the power and unity that comes from being together in prayer and seeking God's presence.
  2. The fulfillment of God's purpose for your life is inseparable from the role of the Holy Spirit.
    1. Be an advocate: Comforter and Helper
    2. Display fruit of the Spirit
    3. Use the gifts: Empower and uplift others
    4. Show love and kindness
    5. Offer guidance and wisdom
    6. Bring unity and reconciliation
    7. Cultivate a life of prayer and communion with God