Susi Reaves
Interim Director of SPEEDway Children's Ministry
March 2015


In John 4, the Samaritan woman asks Jesus a question, "Just how do you quench your thirst?" Kids today have lots of options for finding gratification: video games, sports, dance classes, the internet, cell phones, school, friends, and the list goes on. In time, these things can seem dry and empty, and leave them thirsting for more.

As He did for the Samaritan woman, Jesus offers us something more, something better, something fulfilling - the gift of "Living Water" through a relationship with Him. This summer the camps offered at Redwood Glen in nearby San Mateo County will help children and youth discover how to find spiritual refreshment through Jesus Christ. Is it time for your child to "rethink their drink"?

Jesus tells us "But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:14) Help your child's spiritual thirst to be quenched at one of the summer camps at Redwood Glen.


- Discovery Camp (completing grades 2-5) = June 14-19

- Children's Music And Drama Camp (completing grades 2-5) = June 22-27

- Middle School Encounter Camp (completing grades 6-8) = June 22-27

- Jr. Adventure Camp (completing grades 4-6) = July 6-11

- Youth Music And Drama Camp (completing grades 6-12) = July 6-11

- Sr. High Camp (completing grades 9-12) = July 12-17 (EXTRA DAY!)

For more information, go to Redwood Glen Summer Camps.