Greg Robbins
September 2018

Santa Clara First Baptist Church "Quadrupled the Impact" of giving Hope to the people in Santa Clara. "H.O.P.E. SILICON VALLEY 2018" was a "Hopeful And Thankful" day. We served the people in our city by four times more than we did last year. Our church had the joy of seeing and experiencing Matthew 25 come alive on our campus: "In as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me." 

The children were excited and delighted to receive backpacks and school supplies. They loved the free books, the food, and the family-friendly environment. Their parents were grateful, too. Before the event, I happened to meet a single mother of three school-age children at Target shopping for backpacks and school supplies. I overheard the child asking for a new backpack, and the mother wanted her to use what she already had. I politely interrupted and told her about the H.O.P.E. event at our church. She came with her three children and was grateful that our church cares so much for our community. She even wanted to help at next year's event.

The hairstylists "walked an extra mile" in their support of H.O.P.E. Our event ended at 3:30 P.M., but they stayed until 5 P.M., in order to make sure that every student got a haircut. This meant a lot to families with 3 or 4 kids. School readiness can be expensive and burdensome for many parents. When you add a backpack, haircuts, shoes, and new clothes, it is challenging for many families to provide what their children need. We do not want children to be embarrassed when they have to go to school without a backpack and school supplies. We care for the families in our community, and H.O.P.E. is one of the ways we show it.

Our church medical ministry team was also able to work with many health organizations in our city. The children and parents were glad to have the free dental and vision screening available. Likewise, the adults received free blood pressure tests and/or breast cancer screenings.

At the event, many children and families also received prayer. Almost all of the children/students who came to the event wanted prayer. 

We prayed for a successful, safe and fun year for all the kids. 

After seeing and experiencing HOPE ALIVE on our campus, some of our members have said that this ministry is one of the most important ministries at our church.

Let us continue to build a relationship with the people in our community and the city. May all the good things that happened during H.O.P.E. 2018 provide you with the the words you need to start a conversation with others about how much SCFBC cares for everyone because it serves our Lord..