Pastor Wung Valui
January 2024

New Sermon Series: Multiply 2024
The "Multiply" series in 2024 will explore seven essential models and practices aimed at amplifying our spiritual gifts and spiritual fruits. Through this journey, we seek to enhance our ability to nurture and share these gifts, ultimately leading to the multiplication of disciple-makers within our community.

The Purpose and Significance of The Sermon Series
This sermon series is a dedicated study of the teachings of Jesus and the practices of Early Christian leaders. Its primary focus is to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively multiply disciples of Jesus. It emphasizes the core belief that each disciple of Jesus is not only a recipient of His teachings but also called to be a disciple-maker.

The Importance of Learning from Jesus and Early Christian Leaders on Multiplying Disciples
The profound significance of studying and emulating the teachings and strategies of Jesus and the Early Christian leaders becomes evident when we consider their profound impact on the growth and expansion of disciples. These foundational teachings provide a roadmap for multiplying disciple-makers in our own time.

Highlighting the Crucial Connection Between Disciple Growth and Disciple-Makers
It is essential to recognize that the growth and maturation of disciples are directly intertwined with multiplying disciple-makers. In other words, the more effective we become at producing disciple-makers, the greater the impact on the growth and strength of our community of believers. By focusing on multiplying disciple-makers, we not only strengthen individual faith but also fortify the collective foundation of our spiritual journey.

Join us in the "Multiply 2024" sermon series as we explore this transformative exploration, aiming to enhance our understanding of spiritual gifts and fruits while fulfilling our sacred calling to be disciple-makers.