Family Life Team
September 2020

Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Vacation Bible School has ended, but KID Zone still happens on Sundays at 4:00 P.M. over Zoom! This past summer, we have been diving into the latter part of the Old Testament, learning lessons from the tumultuous period of the Hebrew Prophets and the Babylonian Exile.

Teaching over video-call has given me a taste of the difficulties teachers and students will be facing at the start of this school year. It has challenged me to be creative with my lessons by using multiple tools to share God's story with the kids. Can you guess which two stories of the Old Testament these two pictures come from? 

Answers at the end of this article!

For the Fall Quarter, we will be covering the Book of Genesis. So for September, we will be reading the same Scriptures as the Youth and the Adult Life Groups as we all learn about the Old Testament! We have already handed out activity books for the Fall Quarter. Here is a sneak peek of what we'll be learning in God's story of Genesis!

September 6: God Creates the World (Genesis 1:1-2:3)

September 13: God Creates Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:4-22)

September 20: Adam and Eve Sin (Genesis 3)

September 27: Cain Kills Abel (Genesis 4:1-16)

Please join us each Sunday this month as we read and study these readings from Genesis!

Evelyn Chang / Elementary Students' Director

Answers: Top  Through Jeremiah's letter, God commands the Israelites to build houses and plant gardens in Babylon. Bottom  Nehemiah tells the King of Persia about the ruined Jerusalem.