Margareth Valui
Family Life and Discipleship Pastor
July 2020

Two important Sundays in June! 

Graduation Sunday and Father's Day happened last month, and the church of God came together to celebrate these milestones. 

Celebrating Our Fathers and Men

It took some creativity, collaboration, and working out-of-the-box to bring a group of Young Professionals (YoPro) and our leaders to visit and deliver Father's Day Gifts at the doorsteps of the fathers and men of the church. Thank you YoPro, Life Group leaders, and the church's staff for being the feet and heart of Jesus! Thank you men for showing up and being present in our lives! This was an opportunity for those involved to have meaningful contact with others while maintaining the rules that currently prevent us from gathering together in church.

Drive-Thru Graduation

Our Young Professionals also came together to celebrate with this year's SCFBC Graduates! Our Young Professionals took time out of their regular schedules to create celebratory signs for the Class of 2020. Customarily, we acknowledge our graduates on stage during Sunday worship services, and they receive a gift from the church. This year each of them received our gifts and a balloon as they drove through our sanctuary parking lot. It was pretty cool. Once again the church of God arose triumphantly during this time of the pandemic crisis!


How do we do Discipleship in the midst of the pandemic? How do we stay socially connected when we have to maintain physical distance from one another? It might be helpful to look at Paul's letters to the churches during the time of his imprisonment. His heart-felt feelings for his disciples, like Timothy, and the church are apparent in his letters. Where does your love for a person lead you? What actions does it prompt you to take in order to minister to others?

I love how Luke 16:9 speaks about "True Wealth." Invest your time, energy, resources, and yourself in two or three people whom God has brought into your life. Learn to have authentic relationships like Jesus did. You might be the only image of Jesus Christ that others see while the physical church remains closed.

“I tell you, make friends for yourselves using worldly riches. Then, when those things are gone, you will be welcomed in that home that continues forever." Luke 16:9 (International Children's Bible) 

“And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home."  Luke 16:9 (NKJV)